Finding Purpose And Meaning After Breast Cancer

If you’ve gone through breast cancer, you know the toll it takes. But now that the treatments are behind you, it’s time to step into the next chapter. This isn’t just about recovery; it’s about finding out who you are beyond your diagnosis. You’re going to discover that there’s life after cancer, and it can … Read more

Receiving The Breast Cancer Diagnosis

I remember exactly where I was when I heard the words ‘You have breast cancer.’ Life was moving along, complete with its usual stresses and joys, and then suddenly, with those words, it felt like the ground beneath me gave way. It felt surreal, as if I was hearing about someone else’s life, not my … Read more

About Me

I am Liza, and this is far more than just a website; it’s a testament to resilience, a guidepost for hope, and a gathering place for champions of life. Every person has a tale, and I’m here to share mine, which just so happens to be interwoven with a force many fear but come out … Read more